
During Tawaaf man must do two things:

1- Discover the right shoulder (idtibaa ') from the beginning of tawaaf until the end. This is done by placing half of the rida '(upper garment) under the armpit and the ends of the rida' on the right shoulder. When the pilgrim ends the tawaaf, he should put his rida 'in the place where he was before the tawaaf, because the time to use it with a bare shoulder is only during the tawaaf Cheap Umrah Deals UK .  2- The raml in the first three circuits only. Raml means fast walking with short steps. In the last four circuits there is no raml, rather, the pilgrim must walk as he usually does. When the pilgrim has completed the seven circuits of tawaaf, he should cover his shoulder and then go to the Ibraahim Station (Maqaam Ibraahim) and recite the words (interpretation of the meaning): "Remember when we made The House [the Ka'bah] a place of meeting and security for men. Take the seat of Abraham as an oratory [pray behind the stone on which the Prophet Abra...

The Sa'i

Then he must start the walk in the Mas'aa (place for sa'i) and when he approaches al-Safa 'he should recite the Koranic verse (interpretation of the meaning): " [The route between the two hills of] As Safa and Al Maruah is a ritual established by Allah, so, whoever makes the pilgrimage [Hajj] to The House [Mecca] or the 'Umrah [ritual visit to Mecca] know that he incurs no fault for performing the ritual journey between the two [although the pagans did it by invoking their idols]. And whoever does a work of good will voluntarily knows that Allah is Rewarding, Omniscient. " [al-Baqarah 2: 158] And he should say: " Nabda'u bima bada'a Allaah bihi (We start with what Allah has started)". Then he must climb al-Safa until he can see the Ka'bah, then he must look at it, raise his hands and pray to Allah, and perform du'a 'in the way he wishes. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say: " Laa ila...

Process Safa to Al Marwah

Then he goes down from A s - S afa to Al Marwah, and when he reaches the green signal he runs as fast as possible, without harming anyone Cheapest Umrah Packages UK . And when he reaches the second green mark he normally walks until he reaches Al Marwah, saying Dhikr, supplications and praising Allaah, the Most High, he is also allowed to read the Qur'an. Keeping in mind that performing the Sa'i running quickly between the two green marks is only for men and not for women.  When he arrives at Al Marwah, he goes up and does the same thing he did in A s - S afa, without reciting the verse in which Allaah says (what is interpreted in Spanish): {[The journey between the two hills of] A s - S afa and Al Marwah is a rite established by Allaah . And so, one of the Sa'i turns will be over.  Then, go down from Al Marwah by going to A s - S afa, walking quickly until he arrives at A s - S afa, and do what he did in the first time without reciting the ayah, and so he repeats the ...

Qalmaat during hajj

After that, he goes to the place where Sa'i is performed, and when he approaches A s - S afa, he reads the verse where Allaah, Glorified Be, Says (what is interpreted in Spanish): {[ The path between the two hills of] A s - S afa and Al Marwah is a rite established by Allah ...} [Qur'an 2: 158], and it also says: " Abda 'bima bada'a Al-lahu bihi " ( I start from where Allaah Has Started).  After, climbs  - Safa, if possible, to see the K a'bah so turns his face toward her, holding her hands and praises Allah saying: " La ilaha il-la Al-Lahu wa h dahu the sh arika lah, lahul mulk, wa lahul h amd wa huwa 'ala kul sh ai'in qadir. The illaha illa Allaahu wa h dahu anya z to wa'dah na wa s ara Abdah wa has z loves-to hz aba wa h dah"(Nothing and no one deserves to be worshiped but Allah, Unique, without associates.) To Him belong the Kingdom and praise and He is Mighty over everything, nothing and no one deserves to be worshiped but Al...

Tawaf by going around the Ka'bah seven times

And while he is between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone, he says: " Rabbana atina fid-dunia h asanatan wa fil ajirati h asanatan wa qina 'adhaba an-nar " (Our Lord! Give us well-being in this life and in the other, and Preserve us from the torment of Fire) Umrah Tour packages Uk . And he says in the rest of the T awaf what he wants from Dhikr, supplications and (recitation of) the Qur'an, as there is no particular supplication or Dhikr for each turn.  He must do the T awaf by going around the Ka'bah seven times, starting and ending with the Black Stone, doing in each round what he did in the first. And, according to the Sunnah, in said T awaf has to accelerate its march maintaining the short steps in the first three laps, which is known as Branch, while in the other laps it walks normally. This judgment is only for men. Then, at the end of the seven laps, he returns the Rida 'to its normal form, and goes to Maqam Ibrahim (The Station of Abraham), r...

When Enter to Masjid Al Haram

 Upon arriving at the Masjid Al H aram, enter with his right foot saying: " Bismil-lah wa s - s alat was-salam 'ala rasulil-lah. Al-lahumma igfirli dhinubi wafta h li abwab ra h matak "(in the name of Allaah, prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) Oh Allaah! sins and Open the doors of Your Mercy for me), just as it does when entering any other mosque.  Then, it advances towards the Black Stone, from where the T Awaf will begin . And before you start it, according to the Sunnah, you can put the middle of the dress under your right armpit and the end parts over your left shoulder, and that is called I d - t iba '.  Upon reaching the Black Stone, he touches it with his right hand and kisses it, if possible; and if he can not kiss her, he touches her with his right hand and then kisses her hand; and if it is not possible to touch it, you can point it in the direction of it from a distance without kissing it. Touching the...

Shaving your head or trimming your hair

When the pilgrim has completed the seven circuits (of sa'i), he should shave his head if he is a man, or trim his hair. If you do the first thing, you should shave the whole head, and if you do the second, you should trim the hair of the whole head. Shaving is better than cutting your hair because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed du'a 'three times for those who shaved their heads and once for those who cut their hair. Narrated by Muslim, 1303 Cheap Umrah Package UK . Thus, the person who performs 'Umrah, will already have begun the rites of' Umrah; therefore, it will be prohibited from committing something forbidden until the end of the 'Umrah and released its I h ram.  Also, the person performing the I h ram has to increase talbiyah because it is the slogan of the 'Umrah, especially when changing states and times; As for example, when ascending or descending a height, at dawn or dusk, you must continue reciting the Ta...