Process Safa to Al Marwah

Then he goes down from A s - S afa to Al Marwah, and when he reaches the green signal he runs as fast as possible, without harming anyone Cheapest Umrah Packages UK. And when he reaches the second green mark he normally walks until he reaches Al Marwah, saying Dhikr, supplications and praising Allaah, the Most High, he is also allowed to read the Qur'an. Keeping in mind that performing the Sa'i running quickly between the two green marks is only for men and not for women.
 When he arrives at Al Marwah, he goes up and does the same thing he did in A s - S afa, without reciting the verse in which Allaah says (what is interpreted in Spanish): {[The journey between the two hills of] A s - S afa and Al Marwah is a rite established by Allaah . And so, one of the Sa'i turns will be over.
 Then, go down from Al Marwah by going to A s - S afa, walking quickly until he arrives at A s - S afa, and do what he did in the first time without reciting the ayah, and so he repeats the same until completing the seven laps (counting from A s - S afa to Al Marwah one lap, and returning from Al Marwah to A s - S afa as another lap), ending with Al Marwah.
 Upon completion of the Sa'i, you have to shave his head or cut his hair if he is a man, considering that the act of shaving the head is better. It is necessary to shave the head completely or cut all the hair, that is to say on all sides of your head. Instead, the woman has to cut hair, not shave his head, cutting a fingertip of each braid.

 Thus, the acts of 'Umrah end. In this way, the person who performs' Umrah is liberated from his I h ram; and, consequently, he will be allowed to do everything that was forbidden before because of the I h ram.  
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