Shaving your head or trimming your hair
When the pilgrim has completed the seven circuits (of sa'i),
he should shave his head if he is a man, or trim his hair. If you do the first
thing, you should shave the whole head, and if you do the second, you should
trim the hair of the whole head. Shaving is better than cutting your hair
because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed du'a
'three times for those who shaved their heads and once for those who cut their
hair. Narrated by Muslim, 1303 Cheap Umrah Package UK.
Thus, the person who performs 'Umrah, will already have
begun the rites of' Umrah; therefore, it will be prohibited from committing
something forbidden until the end of the 'Umrah and released its I h ram.
Also, the person
performing the I h ram has to increase talbiyah because it is the slogan of the
'Umrah, especially when changing states and times; As for example, when
ascending or descending a height, at dawn or dusk, you must continue reciting
the Talbiah until the T awaf begins .
Además, según la Sunnah,
al acercase a Meca, el peregrino tiene que lavarse, porque el Profeta,
sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, lo hizo. También, es de la Sunnah entrar en Meca
desde el punto más alto, que es la zona de Kada’ (Az-Zaniah Al ‘Uliah), y salir
desde el punto inferior que es la zona de Kudei (Az-Zaniah Al Suflah), como fue
confirmado sobre el Profeta, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
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