Tawaf by going around the Ka'bah seven times
And while he is between the Yemeni Corner and the Black
Stone, he says: " Rabbana atina fid-dunia h asanatan wa fil ajirati h
asanatan wa qina 'adhaba an-nar " (Our Lord! Give us well-being in this
life and in the other, and Preserve us from the torment of Fire) Umrah Tour packages Uk. And he says
in the rest of the T awaf what he wants from Dhikr, supplications and (recitation
of) the Qur'an, as there is no particular supplication or Dhikr for each turn.
He must do the T awaf
by going around the Ka'bah seven times, starting and ending with the Black
Stone, doing in each round what he did in the first. And, according to the
Sunnah, in said T awaf has to accelerate its march maintaining the short steps
in the first three laps, which is known as Branch, while in the other laps it
walks normally. This judgment is only for men.
Then, at the end of the seven laps, he returns the Rida 'to
its normal form, and goes to Maqam Ibrahim (The Station of Abraham), reciting
the verse in which Allaah, Glorified Be, Says (what is interprets in Spanish):
{Take Maqam Ibrahim (The Stay of Abraham) as an oratory [pray behind the stone
on which Prophet Ibrahim stood while building the Ka'bah].} [Quran 2: 125]
There, pray two rak'at behind Maqam if possible or anywhere else in the mosque,
reciting the first Rak'ah after Al Fati h ah (the Opening) surah Al Kafirun
(unbelievers); and in the second Rak'ah, the surah of Al Ijla s (Monotheism).
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