When Enter to Masjid Al Haram
Upon arriving at the
Masjid Al H aram, enter with his right foot saying: " Bismil-lah wa s - s
alat was-salam 'ala rasulil-lah. Al-lahumma igfirli dhinubi wafta h li abwab ra
h matak "(in the name of Allaah, prayers and peace be upon the Messenger
of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) Oh Allaah! sins and Open the doors of
Your Mercy for me), just as it does when entering any other mosque.
Then, it advances
towards the Black Stone, from where the T Awaf will begin . And before you
start it, according to the Sunnah, you can put the middle of the dress under
your right armpit and the end parts over your left shoulder, and that is called
I d - t iba '.
Upon reaching the
Black Stone, he touches it with his right hand and kisses it, if possible; and
if he can not kiss her, he touches her with his right hand and then kisses her
hand; and if it is not possible to touch it, you can point it in the direction
of it from a distance without kissing it. Touching the Stone or pointing to it
says: " Bismil-lah wa Al-lahu Akbar " (in the Name of Allaah, Allaah
is the Greatest).
Then, the T Awaf
begins , and when you reach the Yemeni Corner, which is the corner that
precedes the Black Stone, you must touch it without kissing it; but if it is
not possible to touch it, it does not have to point from afar.
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