The description of 'Umrah (minor pilgrimage)

According to the Sunnah, one who wants to perform 'Umrah, upon reaching the Miqat, should wash and perfume his body, his head and his beard. The act of washing to perform the I h ram is allowed for both men and women, even those who are menstruating or in puerperium.
 Then, the man wears the I h ram dresses consisting of the I z ar (lower garment) and the Rida '(upper garment) after disposing of everything that is sewn, such as the shirt, pants, etc. Instead, the woman can wear whatever I want clothing that covers and does not show the trappings of his body, avoiding wear the niqab and gloves when in state I h ram. However, he must cover his face by lowering the Jimar in the presence of foreign men.
 Then, if it is time to perform a mandatory prayer, you must pray it; and if not, he has to pray two Rak'at (plural of Rak'ah) as a voluntary act (of Sunnah) for the I h ram.

 Then, at the end of the prayer, he performs the 'Umrah saying: " Labaikka' Umrah " (I respond to Your call, O Allaah, performing an 'Umrah). Then he begins to recite the Talbiah, saying: " Labbaika Al-lahumma labbaik, labbaika la sh arika laka labbaik. Inna the h AMDA wan-ni'mata laka wal Muluk, the sh arika lak "( I respond to Your call, O Allah! I answer to your call. Answer your call. You do not have any partner! Answer your Certainly praise, grace and sovereignty belong to you. You have no partner). The man must raise his voice when reciting it, while the woman says it in a low voice, making only the other women around her heard.


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